Siberian Fir


Welcome to my blog! My name is Maura and I’m a natural health consultant. In over 10 years of learning about natural health, I have absolutely fallen in love with essential oils. They are quick and easy to use. Each oil is incredibly versatile because each works with physical, mental AND emotional health. They are powerfully effective. You will feel the changes in minutes, not hours or weeks like other options. They can save you money because you use them one drop at a time, making them pennies per dose. And they can be used around the home to replace toxic cleaning products.

If you are tired of the side effects you’re experiencing from other products, wanting to switch over to more natural options, or are just looking for natural options, then you’re in the right place! Please know I’m happy to answer any questions you have.


Siberian fir

One of the greatest scents is to be out hiking and smelling the fresh sent of fir trees. That’s exactly what you get when you use fir oil. Learn how the different uses of fir can help your physical, mental, and emotional health below!



To use this oil aromatically, put it in a diffuser or add it to water in a spray bottle and spray a mist in the air. 

  • When needing to feel a sense of oneness with the world around you, smell from the bottle or diffuse this oil.

  • Diffuse this to promote mental clarity so you can check off the items on your to do list.

  • Diffuse this oil to help open airways and promote clear breathing.

Combine with frankincense to create a calm and properly focused atmosphere.


Siberian fir shines when it comes to soothing and supporting circulation. A few drops in a roller bottle can do all the following things…

  • Use on sore muscles and joints and to support recovery from injuries. 

  • Add a few other oils to support and maintain bone health (see the recipe below.) 

  • Roll on abdomen to promote digestion, metabolism, and liver function.

  • Support the lymphatic system, especially in cases of frozen shoulder or hip discomfort.

  • Roll on the bottom of your feet to promote circulation and proper blood pressure levels.

Combine with helichrysm and cypress for a topical support for bone health and knitting.


Yes this oil can be used internally, even though it’s a wood oil! Are you surprised? I was!

The taste is slightly bitter, but also refreshing. I honestly didn’t mind the taste, but if you do, putting the oil in a capsule is a good option too.

Use this oil internally when soothing systemic pain and inflammation is a goal.

Use this oil when systemic circulation needs support.

Combine with Frankincense in a capsule to calm and uplift your mood as well as an overall support for the body’s systems.

Want to purchase my favorite soothing oils & products?


Starting to use essential oils can be overwhelming and the internet is full of information that is confusing and sometimes just isn’t true. When you purchase from me, I make sure you are supported with

  • the purest, most tested essential oils in the world from doTerra

  • a free one to one consultation with me,

  • access to our private group on Facebook,

  • weekly tips sent tor your texts/email

  • some gear to get you started

  • 25% off all your purchases from doTerra

  • updates on specials and free products

  • use your membership like a pro to get additional discounts!


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


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