Flex Health

 Why Purchase a Package?


You know you can not eat really well for one day and expect it to change your health. If you drink plenty of water for a day, your body will still need you to do that again the following day. Anything you do for you health is best if done consistently. My services are the same.

My four-month packages match the natural cycles of the body.

Over four months:

  • Your entire skeleton will completely regenerate once.

  • Your DNA will regenerate twice.

  • Your liver will regenerate twice.

  • Your skin will regenerate four times.

  • Your stomach lining will regenerate 22 times!

  • Your entire blood supply will regenerate one time.

    these therapies, when paired with with proper lifestyle habits for four months will help your body balance and heal!


 Assisted Lymphatic Therapy Packages


With just one session of Assisted Lymphatic Therapy, you'll begin to notice a remarkable difference in how you feel. However, let's dive deeper into how this therapy works and why consistent sessions are key to achieving optimal health.

Imagine drinking a glass of water on a hot summer day. It quenches your thirst, but it doesn't mean you won't need more water in the future. Similarly, a single Assisted Lymphatic Therapy session won't dramatically transform your overall health. It's an ongoing process that requires dedication and regular sessions to unlock the full potential of your lymphatic system.

Assisted Lymphatic Therapy is designed to help your lymphatic system, which plays a crucial role in maintaining your body's equilibrium. By enhancing lymphatic flow, Assisted Lymphatic Therapy promotes the removal of toxins, supports immune function, and aids in the body's natural healing process. The benefits are vast and can range from increased energy levels to reduced inflammation and improved overall wellness.

Getting the long term benefits of Assisted Lymphatic Therapy is all about consistency and adopting healthy lifestyle strategies. When you commit to regular ALT sessions, combined with the knowledge and guidance I provide, you empower your body to function optimally. Together, we'll explore at home techniques and habits that keep your lymph flowing freely, ensuring toxins are efficiently eliminated, and your body can carry out its innate healing work.

To make it even more convenient for you, I offer thoughtfully designed packages that not only encourage consistency but also provide you with cost-saving benefits. By investing in a package, you ensure that you have regular sessions scheduled, enabling your body to experience the cumulative effects of Assisted Lymphatic Therapy over time. It's an investment in your well-being and a smart way to prioritize your health.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey towards improved health and vitality? Let's work together, hand in hand, to unleash the power of your lymphatic system and unlock your body's natural healing potential through consistent Assisted Lymphatic Therapy sessions and lifestyle strategies tailored just for you. Get started today and embrace the transformative path to a healthier, happier you!

Compare the package prices below to the price of $147 for a single session.
Take an additional 5% off when you pay for your package in cash at your first session.


Raise your frequency with

 Bio-Resonance Feedback Intensive


With Bio-Resonance feedback therapy, your body can go through some incredible changes over a period of four months. It's like a magical journey where different parts of your body get a chance to renew and regenerate!

Here's a fascinating fact: during these four months, your skeleton, which is the framework of your body, will regenerate completely once. It's like your body is building a brand-new foundation!

Not only that, but your DNA, which carries all the instructions that make you who you are, will also regenerate twice. It's like your body is hitting the reset button on your genetic code!

Your liver, which is an important organ that helps clean your blood and detoxify your body, will also regenerate twice during this time. It's like getting a fresh and healthy liver twice!

Your skin, which is the outer layer that protects your body, will regenerate a whopping four times! It's like your body is getting rid of old skin and revealing a fresh and vibrant new layer!

Your stomach lining, which helps with digestion, mood, and immunity, will regenerate an astonishing 22 times! It's like your body is giving your stomach a chance to start fresh over and over again!

And let's not forget about your blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. It will regenerate completely once, ensuring that your body stays nourished and healthy!

Around the four-month mark, you might start to notice some amazing changes happening in your body. It's a time when the effects of Bio-Resonance feedback therapy go from great to truly remarkable. At this point, you can decide if you have met your health goals or if you want to continue this incredible journey of transformation.

So, if you're ready to experience these incredible changes and see how your body can heal and regenerate, reach out to me as soon as possible. Together, we can explore if Bio-Resonance feedback therapy is the right path for you and help you reach your health goals. Let's embark on this exciting journey of renewal and well-being!

Super Sleep guarantee

Fantastic sleep is the most commonly reported thing people notice right away. People say they slept deeply or woke up unusually refreshed after a session. If you do not have significantly improved sleep the night of at least one of your first 3 intensive sessions, then you can have your money back and we’ll call off the whole deal.

How to get started

Contact me by phone or email (maura@flexhealthwithmaura.com) to set up an evaluation. Evaluations can be done in person on Clayton, Missouri or remotely, using a photo. I will give you the specifics on the necessary photo.

Evaluations include

  • Consultation where we will review of results, with clear graphics not foreign words that you need a medical degree to understand

  • A health consultation covering your physical, mental, and emotional health

  • A written personalized care plan reviewing the results and outlining things you can do on your own or with the intensive to raise your vibration

  • Options to continue healing on your own or with my personalized help

  • Should you decide to work with me further, compare the package prices below to $175 for a single session.

  • Price $250

  • **for complex cases such as neurological issues, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia diagnosis, etc inquire about evaluation