Lemon-Eucalyptus-Essential Oils Under $20


This one really had to grow on me. I’ve never been a big fan of citronella and this smells similar enough that for a long time, I just put it in the drawer. I’d get it out when I needed to make bug spray and that was it. But a friend told me how much she loved it and how it really cleaned the air in her kitchen so I decided to give it a try. Lo & behold it smelled quite a bit differently when it was diffused. So that’s how I became a fan. Here are some things you can do with it.



Diffusing this in the air does more than just repelling bugs and repels unwanted aromas. 

  • It has anti-inflammatory benefits and when inhaled that goes directly to the entire respiratory system.

  • It’s also a cheerful scent, that reminds me of summer nights. So diffuse it while you’re spending the evening on your back porch.

Combine with citrus oils to uplift and purify the air.


Topically this is all about your self care.

  • It can be included in your skin cleanser and in your deodorant. 

  • You can put it in a spray bottle and spray it on your skin & clothes for a non-toxic bug repellent. 

  • Include it in a massage to soothes muscles and calm muscle spasms.

  • Rubbing it on your skin also helps support the oxygenation of the blood, which can keep the body’s pH in the proper proportions.

  • You can also combine it with water and/or vinegar to make a cheap and effective surface cleaner.

Combine with peppermint for an invigorating massage.


This isn’t going to do much for you internally. So save it for aromatic and topical use.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


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