
Everybody, and I mean everybody knows LAVENDER. Tried it. Smelled it. Have it growing in their yard.

It’s no joke. Lavender is hella useful and on the list of oils to have if you only wanted to have a handful in your home.



You know the drill. Anytime you’re smelling the oils, you’re using them aromatically. That could be because you put it in a diffuser, made a room spray, or you just opened the bottle. Lavender is great for aromatic use.

  • For calming-especially great when you’re on an emotional healing journey.

  • It can help with feelings of sadness.

  • It can soothe mental stress and support mood stability.

  • Of course, it’s well known for helping with sleep (but if you find it keeps you up, try a citrus oil like wild orange.) 

  • For a pleasant, gnat/midge and mosquito free evening on your porch, diffuse some lavender or spray the area with it.



This could be a very long list since lavender is good for all things skin related. It can be used neat (ie with no dilution), but it’s never wrong to dilute it. In fact, it will make your bottle of lavender oil last longer. So just mix up a roller bottle and use it for the following:

  • Soothe skin irritations-if your skin is itchy, hot, or puffy try your lavender roller.

  • To reduce the appearance of spots and wrinkles on the skin.

  • To support hair regrowth-either growing faster or restoring fullness.

  • As a non-toxic, but very effective deodorant. (Add cedar, tea tree, lemon, or other oils to help. Watch more here.)

  • If you grind or clench your teeth in your sleep, swipe your roller across your forehead before bed.

  • To soothe muscles, skin, or joints anytime.

make a hair growth blend with lavender, rosemary, and cedar.


NOTE ABOUT INTERNAL USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS: not all oils are of high enough quality & purity to use internally. I use a specific brand and this company stands by its oils and has researched to make sure internal use is safe with SOME of their oils. (I say SOME because you can’t eat wood no matter how pure it is.)

My recommendation for using this oil internally is to put it in a capsule because it tastes like flowers. That said, I’ve had lavender lemonade and it was delish so adding a drop to lemon baked goods could add an interesting twist.

We use oils internally to support your body systems. Lavender is very supportive of the…

  • Digestive systems

  • Cardiovascular system

  • Nervous system 

  • Hormone system

  • Immune system

In the spring and fall, many people use lavender with lemon and peppermint to promote clear breathing and soothe all the things related to the season.


I couldn’t even put it all here!


Lavender has so many great uses that I didn’t get to them all. But you can learn more from the videos on my YouTube channel. It is mentioned in the natural deodorant video, the cleaning video, the hair, skin, & nails video, and the emotional health video.

(I told you it was really useful.)


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


I. love. science.

If you’d like to read some of the scientific research that has been done on Lavender oil, click here!


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