Step Aside, Peppermint Patty


Talk about eye opening. Peppermint gives you the kick in the butt that you need when you’re dragging. It’s an essential oil wonder and one of the top 3 most useful essential oils.

What all can it do?? See below.

NOTE: Occasionally people who are breastfeeding will notice a slight and temporary decrease in their milk when using peppermint essential oil. If you are breastfeeding, try a very small amount aromatically to see what happens. You can gradually increase your dose until you know how your body responds.



This fresh scent is perfect for diffusing. If that’s not possible, just smelling it from the bottle is good too. 

  • I do this anytime I’m feeling drowsy and need a wake up call.

  • I’m working on a project and need some focus.

  • When I need to clear my airways.

  • I have pets, but if I’m having a visitor whose body isn’t pet-friendly. 

  • When I need some daytime calming. (i.e. calming, but not just before bedtime.)

My favorite blend to increase focus is peppermint and rosemary.


Didja know peppermint oil supports circulation? So it's great for everywhere in your body that needs blood. Which is just about everywhere.

Dilute! Dilute! Dilute! One drop goes a very long way so be sure to add it to some coconut oil in your hand or in a roller bottle before applying to an area.

  • I use it to soothe sore muscles and joints.

  • I give my workout a boost by putting it on the bottom of my feet and behind my knees beforehand.

  • It helps my tight muscles unwind and can be a great addition to a massage.

  • It’s great for occasional stomach upset.

  • I keep some in a spray or roller bottle and apply to the back of my neck or under my arms during hot St. Louis summer days.

  • It can be so soothing for itchy scalps and help promote hair growth.

Try this muscle soothing blend-peppermint, black pepper, lavender, cypress.


NOTE ABOUT INTERNAL USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS: not all oils are of high enough quality & purity to use internally. I use a specific brand and this company stands by its oils and has researched to make sure internal use is safe with SOME of their oils. (I say SOME because you can’t eat wood no matter how pure it is.)

This oil is intense. Refreshingly intense for some people, a bit too much for others. Try it out for yourself and see. If you’re in the Too Much camp, more dilution and blending it with other oils will still let you enjoy the benefits.

Peppermint is great to use internally when…

  • I’ve eaten something that’s oh so yummy for me and oh so stinky for my breath.

  • I want to shake up my chocolate game-add to brownies, cocoa, ice cream, etc.

  • I want to support my digestive health. 

  • I want to support my body’s overall health from daily stressors. 

Mix peppermint with lemon and lavender in a capsule for a daily support.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


I. love. science.

If you’d like to read some of the scientific research that has been done on Rosemary oil, click here!


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