Meet King Frank (Frankincense)


I joke that if I had another child I’d name it Frankie after Frankincense. This oil is a when in doubt-try it oil. It is good for so many things and even serves as a booster-making other oils work better.



Frankincense is earthy smelling and great in the diffuser alone. It also blends well with citrus oils and is in the Grounding blend. Diffuse it to..

  • Support memory.

  • Support a calm environment.

  • Uplift your mood.

  • Promote clear breathing.

  • And for getting to sleep. 

FAVORITE BLEND TO DIFFUSE for memory IS ROSEMARY, mint, and frankincense.


If you’re making anything to put on your body, then including Frankincense will only make your recipes better.

  • Add it to hair serum to support growth and healthy hair.

  • Add it to cleansers and lotions to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Put it on areas that are sore joints and muscles.

  • Support healing skin.

I always include frankincense in my castor oil cleanser with copaiba and geranium.


NOTE ABOUT INTERNAL USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS: not all oils are of high enough quality & purity to use internally. doTerra stands by its oils and has researched to make sure internal use is safe with SOME of their oils. (I say SOME because you can’t eat wood no matter how pure it is.)

I use drops of Frankincense directly under my tongue, because it’s convenient. But it’s not my favorite flavor. Of course, you can blend it with other oils to cut the flavor or just toss it in a capsule.

Here are my best internal uses for frankincense…

  • Blended with a few other oils in a dropper to survive being home full time with my kids..

  • To support the nerves (nervous system as well as emotional nerves.)

  • To uplift my mood. 

  • To support the liver. 

My stay sane with kids home blend is, Copaiba, Rosemary, Lemon AND FRANKINCENSE.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


I. love. science.

If you’d like to read some of the scientific research that has been done on Frankincense oil, click here!


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