Lemongrass-Essential oils under $20


You asked for essential oils under $20 and here we are!! Dear, sweet Lemongrass is an absolute favorite. It's such a great start if you're getting essential oils with a small budget.⁠ ⁠



As soon as you smell it from the bottle, you’ll know what I’m talking about. This oil smells amazing and you’ll want to rub it all over yourself. We’ll get to that in a sec.

Right now we’re talking about what to do with it aromatically. (That’s putting it in a diffuser, spray bottle, or smelling from the bottle.) 

  • Fear, doubt, self criticism a house guest you need to uninvite? Lemongrass is your oil. This is an oil to diffuse for emotional house cleaning (according to Emotions and Essential Oils by Rebecca Hintze.)

  • This oil also helps break down air pollution.

  • Add it to your after-poo spray and homemade bathroom cleaners. (Need easy cleaning recipes? I have an email series for my members. Make sure you get it.)

Try diffusing it with geranium.


NOW we can talk about putting it all over yourself. First things first-DILUTE!!! One drop is all you need per use. Blend it with enough coconut oil to cover the area you’re targeting. If you find you use it often, make a spray or roller bottle to save time.

  • This oil is a must in homemade bug sprays. (I just mix a few drops of the oils with water in a spray bottle.)

  • Put it on your feet and behind your knees before a workout to support circulation and soothe muscles.

  • Back when my kids were little babies and needed me to pick them up often, I layered this on followed by peppermint because my wrists and arms were sore and tired.

  • Make a roller bottle and roll on your tummy after your favorite ice cream treat.

  • Include it in a lymphatic supporting massage.

Homemade bug spray time! Lemongrass, Lavender, Basil, Eucalyptus, Citronella, Cinnamon. (You don’t need them all, just a few.)


NOTE ABOUT INTERNAL USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS: not all oils are of high enough quality & purity to use internally. doTerra stands by its oils and has researched to make sure internal use is safe with SOME of their oils. (I say SOME because you can’t eat wood no matter how pure it is.)

You can 100% add it to your Thai recipes (1 drop will do ya). It also supports several bodily functions and could be added to a daily capsule.

Lemongrass is great to use internally when…

  • I want to support my cardiovascular health.

  • I want to support my lymphatic health.

  • I want to support my urinary health. 

  • I want to support my digestion 

A great combo for digestion is DigestZen and Lemongrass in a capsule with each meal.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


I. love. science.

If you’d like to read some of the scientific research that has been done on Lemongrass oil, click here!


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