FAQ's: How do you work on me from another city?!


I totally get it! It sounds crazy that I could do BioResonance Feedback Therapy while we are not in the same place. If you’ve been using allopathic (aka Western, aka Rockerfeller) medicine all of your life, then you’re used to needing to go someplace to see your care provider.

Remember that when we start to think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration as Tesla encouraged us to do, we can do things that would otherwise seem like miracles. It’s not a miracle, it’s just outside our current understanding. But hey, as long as my clients are feeling better they can call it whatever they want.

But let me explain…

To be able to work on you from a distance, I use something called scalar technology. While you didn’t learn about it in school, it was studied extensively by Tesla over 100 years ago. It’s a wonder that it hasn’t become the main energy source in the world! It’s free. It’s safe. It’s efficient. It doesn’t require any fossil fuels. It can be used for communication, energy, and more. He even powered a car with it, but that’s beside the point.

Remember you are surrounded by things you cannot see, but they are still there.

  • You can’t see radio waves, but when you turn on the radio in your car, you hear your favorite songs and talk show hosts.

  • You can’t see electrical current, but you know it’s there when you flip a light switch and a light comes on.

  • You can’t see Wifi, but without it, your phone can’t connect to the internet.

  • You can’t see the x-ray scanning you, but you get a picture of your broken bone.


The above are all examples of electromagnetic energy. Now let’s compare electromagnetic energy to scalar energy.

  1. Source-Some electricity occurs in nature (lightning) but has been ramped up to levels not found in nature to be able to run our appliances and have light at night. Radio/Radar waves are completely man-made. If we were to turn off that system, there would be nothing like it in nature.

    Scalar waves are naturally occurring. They exist in our food and DNA. If you believe in a divine creator (and I do), then it makes sense that we were given everything we need to live healthy and happy lives. Scalar technology is so superior that it seems like science fiction compared to what we are currently using to power our world. It makes sense to tap into this amazing resources anywhere we can.

  2. Frequency-Our power sources put out frequencies that can easily be measured by an EMF reader. Try it on your light fixtures, Wifi router, and phone using a simple EMF reader. You’ll be surprised at how many frequencies you are bombarded with in your home. (For more on the safety of these frequencies read The Invisible Rainbow.)

    Scalar technology doesn’t put out frequencies. This means there is no stress to the body when using scalar technology. In fact, it helps protect against EMF stress from other sources and supports the endocrine and detoxification systems, supports healthy white blood cell production, reinforces the bonds in your DNA, reduces stress and anxiety, and supports the natural regenerative processes of the body. Given this, can you see why my clients love their sessions?

  3. Power-If you are listening to the radio on a car trip, you’ll be able to hear the radio signal when you are near a city and it will fade and become static as you drive farther away from that town. If you walk far away from your Wifi signal, you will eventually loose access to the internet. Each of these systems loses power over distances and cannot pass through certain substances.

    Scalar technology doesn’t lose power over long distances and it can go through any material. It is a lossless system! Even when I am working with someone on the other side of the world, his/her body is getting the full power and benefits of the scalar technology.

  4. Safety-There has been a distinct and exhaustive study of the correlation between electromagnetic frequencies put off by power plants, electrifying homes, increasing Wifi signals and the deterioration of the health of humans on the planet. In the book The Invisible Rainbow, it’s shown that even when there have been no lifestyle changes, communities saw an increase in heart attacks, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer after the community electricity was put in the homes of residents.

    Scalar technology does not disrupt the frequencies of the body. In fact, it helps to strengthen them, protect against EMF stress, and supports the endocrine and detoxification systems, reduces stress and anxiety, reinforces the bonds in your DNA, and supports the natural regenerative processes of the body. It is a clean energy source that is always available because it taps into the zero point energy field which is ALWAYS present. Tesla showed scalar technology could be used for communication and energy without wires or cables. Can you imagine if we could both switch to a safer technology AND take down all the ugly power lines in our communities?!


Sounds like Sci-fi, but it’s not…

I find all of this to be as fascinating and mind-blowing as you probably do. I love hearing from clients that they could feel different things when I was working on them with the scalar technology.
The most common experiences include:

  • Tingling

  • Euphoric feeling

  • Deep relaxation

  • Mild detox symptoms

  • Deep, restorative sleep at night

Want to see if BioResonance Feedback Therapy is right for you?

Contact me to schedule a discovery call.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.