Free Guide for Women with Chronic Illness
Flex Health

Essentials for a Healthy Life

Hi there! I'm Maura, and I'm here to help you achieve your best health, naturally.

If you've been dealing with ongoing health issues, you've probably come across some strict rules about what to eat, how to exercise, and how to live your life.

But I learned from personal experience those strict routines don't work in the long run... unless you're willing to quit your job, never go out with friends, and have endless amounts of money.

Health is about taking care of your whole self, so sacrificing your mental well-being to focus on your physical health can do more harm than good.

While strict routines might have some benefits for a short time, I believe that taking care of your whole self means being able to be flexible without worrying you are setting yourself back.

The great news is that I can help you upgrade your health to a point where you can let go of those rigid routines.

I have discovered some amazingly powerful and simple tools for overcoming health challenges from my personal journey, studying naturopathy, and working with dozens of clients. The secret is to get the body to do its own healing.

To learn how I can help you do that, keep reading about my favorite tools for supporting your physical, mental, and emotional health in a balanced way.


Daryn's son was having allergy reactions and being prescribed allergy medications. Her daughter was diagnosed with eczema and Daryn was advised to avoid high histamine foods. She wasn't comfortable with these suggestions and suspected there was a deeper cause.

When she started working with me, she found there was a connection that had been missed by the doctors she had seen. Since starting the protocols I suggested, her son's itchy, watery eyes have gone back to normal and her daughter's body healed the eczema.

The protocols I suggested have been effective and easy to even get her toddler to do. She's so happy with the results!


Just a quick note: I am a member of the Professional Wellness Alliance and I provide services only to other members. You can join for FREE here or I can help you join when you book an appointment.


The Vibrant Way

Online course & Community


  • Are mentally exhausted

  • Struggle with overwhelm

  • Wake up almost as tired as when you went to bed

  • Have inconsistent energy levels, day to day

  • Feel like your body holds you back

  • Struggle to have patience with your family because you’re exhausted

  • Don’t have the energy for the things you love

You don’t have to keep struggling with fatigue and exhaustion. You don’t have to rely on copious amounts of coffee or other stimulants to get going each morning.

You don’t need to feel fatigued constantly.

You don’t need to wake up dreading the long to-do list ahead. 

You don't need to run yourself back into the ground by forcing yourself through low energy levels.

You just can't be the best version of yourself when you are irritable.


Instead of struggling to get out of bed each day, you're waking up actually feeling REFRESHED. Imagine waking up in a good mood for your family.

With my signature method, you can have the energy you need, when you need it.

What would be different for you in your work, parenting, relationships, and career? It's like getting a fresh start every morning, filled with purpose and excitement.

With The Vibrant Way, you'll learn how to reclaim your energy and to have steady, predictable energy levels.

This course is for mentally exhausted women who want to overcome overwhelm and wake up refreshed 5 mornings per week.

Invest in yourself and discover how to have the energy you deserve for yourself and your family. 


Assisted Lymphatic Therapy


When David came to see me, his ankle had been swollen for weeks. He said it felt like it needed to pop. His chiropractor tried several therapies, but David's ankle stayed swollen and uncomfortable.

The evening after just one Assisted Lymphatic Therapy session, David's ankle popped. Since then, the swelling has gone down and the pain disappeared.

cellulite, PMS, allergies, Constipation, pain, and auto-immune disorders all have noe thing in common.

They can all improve if you have a properly functioning lymphatic drainage system. But you may have never heard about the lymphatic system. Or perhaps you’ve only heard about it with regards to cancer treatments.

The lymphatic system is an amazing clean up crew for the body!

Think of your lymphatic system as the first filter that helps keep your body clean and healthy. It's like having an around-the-clock trash pick up service inside you! However, when this system gets clogged up, it’s like canceling your trash service but still leaving the bags by the curb.

The old toxins, waste, and heavy metals can't be removed as they should, causing a buildup of gunk in your body. Sooner or later, you'll end up with a big mess! That big mess includes cellulite, PMS, allergies, constipation, pain, and auto-immune disorders.

Kelli was having anaphylactic reactions that were affecting her neurologic system for months after exposure.

She had been making progress with natural therapies and remedies, but she had developed POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and her symptoms included heart rate issues, digestive issues, brain fog, and energy imbalances.

After one Assisted Lymphatic Therapy session, she felt normal for the first time in years.

Her chiropractor also saw noticeable changes in her bodily system after she started ALT. Her body is holding the chiropractic structural adjustments and her chiropractor said she's holding the adjustments better than she has in 6 years of seeing him.

So, why is proper lymphatic drainage important? Well, let's see how it can affect different aspects of your health:

  1. Cellulite: If you want to get rid of cellulite, those dimples on your skin, you need to make sure your lymph is draining properly. When the lymphatic system is working well, it helps to flush out the toxins that contribute to cellulite, leaving your skin smoother and healthier.

  2. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome): If you experience uncomfortable symptoms before your period, like mood swings, cramps, or bloating, you need to make sure your lymph is draining properly. A healthy lymphatic system can help the body cycle hormones properly, remove excess fluids, and reduce inflammation, leading to a more balanced and comfortable menstrual cycle.

  3. Allergies: You don’t need to worry when the seasons change and pollen is in the air. When your lymphatic system is functioning optimally, it can help open the sinuses, reduce congestion, and reduce the severity of your allergic reactions.

  4. Constipation: When you have occasional constipation, something as simple as going to the bathroom can be a challenge. Proper lymphatic drainage can help here too. It supports a healthy digestive system, stimulates the large and small intestines, allows waste to move through smoothly, and relieves constipation.

  5. Pain relief: If you experience pain, whether from muscle soreness or chronic conditions, lymphatic drainage can provide relief. By reducing inflammation and improving circulation, it helps reduce pain and promote healing.

  6. Auto-immune disorders: If you've been diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder, ensuring proper lymphatic drainage becomes even more crucial. A healthy lymphatic system can help remove the waste and toxins that may contribute to inflammation and immune system disregulation, potentially improving your symptoms and overall well-being.

So, whether you want to say goodbye to cellulite, ease PMS symptoms, enjoy the seasons without trouble, relieve constipation, reduce pain, or manage an auto-immune disorder, taking care of your lymphatic system is essential. By ensuring proper lymphatic drainage, you give your body the best chance to heal and function at its best.

If you're ready to take control of your health and support your lymphatic system, reach out to me for an Assisted Lymphatic Therapy session. I’ll also teach you at-home techniques to help ensure your lymph is draining properly and promote your overall well-being. Let's embark on this journey towards a healthier, happier you!


Bio-Resonance Feedback Therapy

Miserable➡️Fantastic Lawrence had been struggling with gout for 10-15 years. He had spent thousands of dollars on natural care providers, medications, and supplement, but was still in pain, had brain fog, and persistent gout.

He had been living with frustration about not being able to do what he used to be able to do, and sometimes missing out on life because he was in bed with pain.

After just 1 week of BioResonance Feedback Therapy Intensive he started noticing his body was responding. After a month, his body had healed the gout and he is now feeling fantastic.


Get to the root of your symptoms without re-financing your home.

Too many people are spending massive amounts of money on natural treatments without seeing significant results. Yes, some people even re-finance their homes on their search for answers. It is frustrating to add this financial burden to your life when you have a chronic illness, not to mention the emotional costs of putting your trust and hope into a service that just doesn’t deliver.

Bio-Resonance Feedback Therapy gets to the root of your health challenges without expensive testing, complicated supplement routines, or unreasonable price tags.

Leah had a history of thyroid issues and had been given a diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease. She was struggling with brain fog when she started Bio Resonance Feedback Therapy.

Each day, she struggled to prioritize and manage her to-do list. She used coffee to get through each day and still felt like she didn't have energy.

Leah noticed a difference with her first Bio Resonance Feedback Therapy session-she had a burst of energy and still woke up refreshed, even with less hours of sleep.

After a month (half of the recommended therapy protocol) her energy has normalized and the brain fog is gone. She has reduced her coffee intake and is able to take on her to-do list with ease.

Bio-Resonance Feedback Therapy is an innovative approach based on quantum physics that aims to restore balance and alleviate stress blockages in your body.

By addressing these underlying causes of your health challenges, this therapy can help you break free from the cycle of expensive treatments that yield minimal results. It's a non-invasive and painless option that can be performed remotely, saving you both time and money.

Say goodbye to endless medical bills and start investing in your long-term well-being. With Bio-Resonance Feedback Therapy, you can finally experience a cost-effective solution that brings lasting relief to your financial and health concerns.

Don't let financial constraints hold you back from living a vibrant and fulfilling life. Embrace the opportunity to uncover the root cause of your symptoms without breaking the bank.




what if there was one thing you could do to:

  • Increased strength

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Increase stamina

  • Have more energy and vitality

  • Have mental Clarity

  • Restore muscle and skeletal conditions

  • Accelerates healing

  • Improve sleep

  • Reset 4,000 genes

  • Balance the brain

  • Increase collagen increases

  • Get the heart reversing its age

And what if it took less time than it takes to brush your teeth? Thes patches supports your body’s detox and regeneration processes. They go on like a bandage and you wear it for up to 12 hours. Take it off, throw it away, and repeat 12 hours later.

It is an effective and non-invasive way to reawaken your dormant stem cells safely, naturally, and cost-effectively.

This patch triggers the body to respond by increasing a healing copper peptide that already exists in the body. Then the body, which is the best guide for healing, sends those stem cells where they are needed the most like a pizza delivery boy delivering supreme pizzas to hungry families on a Friday night.

With this patch, you can save yourself $5,000 to $50,000, pain of injections, and the inconvenience of traveling to an appointment and still get the most effective stem cell option in the world.

In addition, you will save money on collagen peptides, amino acids, other supplements, and sleep aides. You can simply focus on the patches, water with electrolytes, and good habits.

Get them for less than a daily cup of coffee. It’s astounding how many goals this one little patch slam dunks for you and at such an amazing price!


In their words

Thank you! I do have to say that I haven’t felt this good in a LONG TIME! I can’t believe in only 1 session, at that!
— Kelly G.
Maura has help our family time and time again with health issues. Her knowledge of essential oils is amazing and on point. Reach out to her if you need help getting your healthier lifestyle started.
— Denecia H.
Swelling down more!!
I’m excited! I had gotten burnt out for awhile! Your session really has helped my body feel so much better I knew I was stuck in victim around my physical body!!
Now I can be free to move forward in body self-care!! I’m so grateful for you!!!
— Carol L.
Maura is SO knowledgeable and a calming person to be around! The treatments I have done with Maura I could instantly feel and even see a difference because of. I couldn’t recommend her more!
— Daryn A.
Maura is my go-to person for essential oils! As a chiropractic physician, my practice members love natural solutions and essential oils fit the mold big time!
— Dr. Diana, Family Care Chiropractic
Not only did I notice a significant reduction in swelling in my feet and ankles, but I also observed a marked improvement in the radiance and health of my skin. Additionally, there was a noticeable reduction of cellulite in areas that had previously been a concern. Throughout the session, I felt completely comfortable and secure, which only enhanced the overall experience. It was an exceptional experience that I would highly recommend to anyone.
— Carol L.
Maura is my oil guru and always has great resources! She’s done the hard work and research so I know I can trust her recommendations. I’m so thankful for her time and attention to detail!
— Kara C.
Maura is a very intuitive healer and has made an incredibly positive impact on my life.  If you are looking for assistance in physical or emotional, contact Maura.
— Star H.
Maura is an absolute wealth of wisdom. Anytime I’m around her, I just soak up her pearls of wisdom.
— Hailey R.
Maura is accessible and creative in how she meets with people to address their unique needs. As a teacher, I appreciate her insight about how essential oils can be used in a classroom to create a clean, calm environment. I recommend her to anyone looking to improve their health, home, or work environment!
— Stephanie K.
Maura, I cannot thank you enough for this magical little blend you made for me. As someone who’s experienced the discouraging and frustrating changes with menopause, any little thing that can help me feel better about things I’m losing helps so much. This blend seriously has stopped my eyelashes from falling out, and even though my dang bifocals make it sort of hard to tell I can tell, and that’s what matters. Thank you. ❤️
— Casey S.

Find me on Instagram @FLEX.HEALTH.WITH.MAURA