Photo Therapy Patches

this is for you if you are looking for any of the following:

  • Increased strength

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Increased stamina

  • Energy and vitality

  • Mental Clarity

  • Restored muscle and skeletal conditions

  • Improvement of sleep

SHOCKING: you already know about photo therapy. When you go out into the sun, your body responds by producing Vitamin D. That’s because the light from the sun triggered the body to respond. That’s phototherapy!

Now imagine if you could put on a patch that triggers the body to do various things, using light as a communicator just like the sun does. That’s the Lifewave Photo Therapy Patch.

You may have heard that stem cells are the raw material that the body uses for healing and regeneration. They can go anywhere in the body and develop into the cells of that area.

This patch triggers the body to respond by increasing a copper peptide that already exists in the body. This copper peptide that is increased by these patches reawakens dormant stem cells.

Then the body, which is the best guide for healing, sends those stem cells where they are needed the most like a pizza delivery boy delivering supreme pizzas to hungry families on a Friday night.

Which sounds better to you?

  • You could spend $5,000 to $50,000 on a painful stem cell injection…with a high failure rate.

  • You could spend $100s per month on collagen peptides, amino acids, and other supplements with questionable quality and your body might or might not be able to absorb it, depending on your gut health.

  • You could keep taking anti-inflammatory products, energy enhancers, herbs for focus, loads of coffee, and on and on trying to patchwork your health back together with a complicated routine.

  • You could take sleep aids, natural or otherwise and deal with the side effects of not being able to wake up when you’re ready, sleepwalking, not being able to drive if there was an emergency in the middle of the night.

Or you could use this one patch.

Nothing goes through the skin. This isn’t like a nicotine patch where your skin absorbs a substance from the patch. This patch REFLECTS your own infrared light back to yourself. The only side effect you have to worry about is the side effects of your body healing. It is completely safe and non-invasive.

It’s so easy a toddler can do it! These patches go on like a bandage and take less time than it takes to brush your teeth. You wear each one (or more) for up to 12 hours and take it off for 12 hours.

Not everyone is a “one-patch wonder” but the company is so confident that you’ll notice changes in 30 days that have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Things you might not see

  • In the first few days 4,000 genes reset.

  • In 6 weeks, the brain becomes balanced

  • Within 3 months, collagen increases

  • Within 6 months, the heart reverses in age

When you consistently use Lifewave Photo Therapy Patches, your body has more amino acids, stem cells, and collagen available these regeneration cycles, so you continue to get results the longer you use them.

This patch has been researched and has shown that it increases 8 amino acids and increases the GHK-cu copper peptide in the blood, which can improve tissue repair, stimulate blood vessel and nerve growth, and improve skin. I dare you to search GHK-cu on Pubmed to see the proven benefits. Oh wait, I did that for you here.

For a deeper dive, watch this. (less than an hour)

Get them for less than a daily cup of coffee. No one is a bigger fan of a bargain than you. Make it simple enough a monkey at the zoo would have no problem and you don’t have to worry about the overwhelm of learning a new therapy anymore. It’s astounding how many goals this one little patch slam dunks for you!

I’m here and happy to personally make sure you get the best price and the best patch for your needs. Smash that link if you’re ready to get started.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This service is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.