Flex Health

Flex Health with Maura


 Cellulite isn’t fat-it’s congested lymph!

get your lymph moving and your body naturally detoxing
with Flex Health with Maura, in St. Louis, missouri


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 naturally get your lymphatic system moving with Assisted Lymphatic Therapy.

The lymphatic system is literally the first line of defense for your body’s overall health. When you have lymphatic congestion the heavy metals, cellular waste, and toxins have no way of moving to your other detox organs.

You’ve probably never considered that cellulite could be connected to PMS, sinus congestion, restless nights, the feeling of anxiety and stress, or chronic pain, but it is! The cellulite shows us that waste isn’t moving freely. If we can see it on the outside, it is affecting the inside as well.

Having that waste stuck in your body sets the stage for pain, chronic illness, allergies, hormone issues, sleep issues, and to just feel crummy. I have seen it with dozens of people-they come to the session feeling tired, uncomfortable in their clothes, and stressed. An hour later, they walk out of our session glowing, relaxed, and saying they feel lighter.

In the days after a session with me, they sleep better, digestion moves regularly, and they continue to feel relaxed.

You can experience these changes too. When you include Assisted Lymphatic Therapy with me into your self-care routine, you’ll notice changes right away.


“I slept the best I have in quite some time last night. I notice everything is softer…Even my feet are soft! Your technique has worked the best for me yet!”

-Nicole E.

What can Assisted Lymphatic Therapy possibly do for you?

“My knee pain has noticeably improved since my lymphatic session. I was able to get much deeper in my wall squat than yesterday with no pain.”

-Lindsey T.


How Assisted Lymphatic Therapy has helped me and can help YOU too!

Hi! I’m Maura.


The doctors had no answers. No diagnosis. No effective advice. I decided to start looking into natural options. I felt like you may feel now. Nervous, worried, scared. I was breaking out of the mainstream.

But since then, I’ve never looked back.

I’ve developed a deep respect for the body’s ability to heal. I learned how easy it can be to support my body and let it do the rest. 

When I came across Assisted Lymphatic Therapy, I was amazed. When it moved my lymph, I could see and feel it. My inner thighs were less puffy. My face looked thinner. My body was eliminating toxins better. I had noticeably less soreness and congestion.

All of these changes took place in an hour!

Since then, I’ve worked with dozens of clients helping them use simple tools like Assisted Lymphatic Therapy to optimize their body’s natural healing abilities. It has been incredible to help so many people feel the difference simple tools can make.

My mind and body are in such a good place from years of natural nourishment, and I want you to experience the strength and abilities of your own body by simply helping your body to be it’s best self.






What is Assisted Lymphatic Therapy?

Assisted Lymphatic Therapy is a pain-free, relaxing method I use to boost the flow of lymph blockage within your body. I use this with any clients who have a wide variety of health issues. Even when people come to me hoping to get rid of cellulite, they find the Assisted Lymphatic Therapy helps with a wide range of health issues at the same time.


The lymphatic system is the first filter in your body, but when it gets congested, the old toxins, waste, and heavy metals can’t move out like they should. Build-up of toxins can look like cellulite on the outside of your body.

The cellulite is a sign that there is a build up of waste on the inside of the body. Build-up of waste can prevent your body from being able to heal, restore, and feel great.

Congested lymph can cause feelings of:

  • Bloating

  • Hormonal issues

  • Skin imperfections

  • Sleep issues

  • Puffiness around the skin

  • Clothes feel uncomfortable

  • …and other chronic health issues.


“It’s like canceling your trash service but continuing to take the bags out to the curb.”


An Assisted Lymphatic Therapy session with me is like taking out the trash. I use my Photon Sound Beam to get things moving. This machine acts like a push broom to move the congested waste and get the lymphatic drainage system back online.


Please note! I offer services to members of the Professional Wellness association only.
I’ll help you get started with a free membership at your appointment.



What to Expect with Assisted Lymphatic Therapy in St. Louis

Most people are more familiar with lymphatic massage, so I thought I’d put this together to give you an idea of what to expect from our 1-hour session together.

  1. This is NOT a massage. I repeat, this is not a massage. I will not be rubbing your skin or doing anything with your fascia. There are no lotions, butters, creams, or oils involved.

  2. You will be on a massage table with sheets and a blanket. This is to help you be relaxed and because the Assisted Lymphatic Therapy is done while you are unclothed.

  3. You are unclothed to YOUR comfort level. The Photon Sound Beam works by going over your skin. This tells me where the congested areas are and helps clear those areas. It also feels really nice. For those who are uncomfortable being totally unclothed, we can work with whatever level you are comfortable with. It will just take a little creativity. Please let me know so I can suggest types of clothing to make it easier.

  4. It will be a very relaxing experience. I fell in love with the Photon Sound Beam after feeling how soothing and relaxing it is. I have a few other tricks up my sleeve to make sure you leave on cloud nine.

  5. You may feel sleepy afterwards. The parasympathetic system, AKA: the rest & digest system will be activated. You may be primed for a really good nap. So avoid planning anything that’s strenuous or can’t be canceled for after the session, at least until you’ve had one session to see how you respond.

  6. Education. The lymphatic system has a full time job. Anyone could benefit from an Assisted Lymphatic Therapy session daily. However, that’s not realistic or flexible to have to come in every day. So each week, I’ll be texting you simple things you can do daily to keep your lymphatic system draining between sessions.

  7. You will see a difference. Take before photos of your hips, thighs, stomach, or anywhere you have cellulite as well as of your face. When your hour with me is finished, you’ll see a difference. I usually see less fluid in my face and less puffiness under my eyes. I can also feel the difference when I walk quickly, jog, or go upstairs.

  8. Avoid lotions or deodorant for several hours before the session. The Photon Sound Beam works with electricity so the skin needs to be as dry as possible. This helps with the glide of the machine and to make sure you don’t get a little shock from the wetness of the cream or oil.

I’m super excited to work with you and to see the health benefits the Photon Sound Beam can bring to your body. 
Click below to take the first step towards a better you!

Please note! I offer services to members of the Professional Wellness association only.
I’ll help you get started with a free membership at your appointment.